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What are we Learning?

Friday 7th  March 2025

Year 1 has had a fantastic week this week. 

We have continued our exploration of Space and we enjoyed designing our own planet. 

In maths, we are learning how a number is composed, e.g. 30 = 30 ones or 3 tens. 42 = 42 ones or 4 tens and 2 ones. 

In D and T, the children are going to make their own fruit salad. Today we enjoyed trying some new fruits. We talked about the texture, our tastes and whether the children wanted to add that fruit to their own fruit salad. 

Finally, we celebrated World Book Day and a lot of fun was had. Our text was 'Jonty Gentoo' by Julia Donaldson. The children wrote a description of an animal, made an animal and the habitat out of natural resources. We also created our own story maps in the beautiful sunshine.  We then made a collage and listened to 'Vivaldi-Winter'. 

At the end of the day, we were delighted to welcome Year 5 to complete a shared read. 



Friday 28th February 2025

Year 1 has had a super first week back! It is great to see how engaged they all are and ready to learn again. 

In English, we are reading 'Man on the Moon' and we have practised our question writing and made predictions. We have also drawn a story map. Some children think he is an astronaut and others a footballer!

In maths, we have finished our unit on addition and subtraction to 20. Next week we will meet the numbers 20-50! 

In topic, we have learnt about the United Kingdom and the Capital Cities. The children worked hard to label their map correctly. 

Well done Year 1!

Miss MacKellar 

Friday 14th February 2025. 

I can't believe we are halfway through the year. It is zooming by! 

In English, we have been creating our own alien and writing a character description. We have learnt the meaning of 'nouns' and 'adjectives' and have created posters to explain these concepts. 

In maths, children have been learning different ways to complete subtraction problems. We have also made links to our number bonds to ten e.g. if I know 7-4 = 3, then 17-4 = 13. The children completed a carousel of activities, and you can see this learning in action in the photos below. 

In religious education, the children continued to explore friendship and designed and made a beautiful friendship bracelet for one of our class to take home. 

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful half-term!

Miss MacKellar 



Friday 7th February 2025

We have had a really reflective week and have focused on Children's Mental Health Week. 

In English, we read the story 'The Way Back Home' by Oliver Jeffers. The children have then been using the story to create their own alien and use an expanded noun phrase to describe it. I really enjoyed reading their descriptions. One child wrote "electric blue eyes", which I thought was great!

In maths, we have been learning to double and then looked at using our double facts to help us with near doubles, e.g 3 + 3 = 6. Therefore, 3+4 = double 3 + 1. The children enjoyed drawing their doubling machines.

In Skills for Life we learnt about different emotions through the characters in 'Inside Out'. The children also enjoyed creating their own Islands of Personality and thinking of all the things that are important to them. 

Finally, we celebrated 'Number Day' with lots of fun activities comprising a num bot creation, a treasure hunt, dot-to-dot and a near double board game. 

Have a wonderful and restful weekend!

Miss MacKellar 

Friday 31st January 2025. 

We have had a wonderful week!

In English, we read 'The Darkest Dark' about a real life astronaut called Chris Hadfield. The children wrote about his emotions at different times in the story.

In maths, we have started addition to twenty using our number bonds, e.g 3+7 = 10 so 13+ 7 = 20. The children shared tens frames and worked together to solve different calculations. 

In topic, we have been studying UK geography and maps. We looked at Stoke Mandeville and then the children explored other towns. We also learnt that a key helps us to read a map, and they enjoyed annotating their maps with the key just like a real cartographer!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend. 

Miss MacKellar


Friday 24th January 2025

I can't believe we have finished week 3 of the second term. Time is racing away!

In English, we have been reading 'The Night Pirates' and the children have been working hard to change elements of the story and add amazing adjectives. 

In maths, we have finished our learning on understanding numbers 11-20. The children are aware of different representations of these numbers. We have also begun to look at number lines and identify the missing number on the missing line. 

In science, the children were asked to design a new boat that could float after reading 'Who sank the boat?' I was really impressed with their creativity and nauticual knowledge, some even had turbo-engines. The children then tested their boat on the water to see if it would float. This is linked to our learning about materials. The children learnt that cardboard does not make the best boat as it disintegrates in the water. 

Have a look at the photos below! 

Have a great weekend!

Miss MacKellar 



Friday 17th January 2025 

The children have been really excited this week and have been busy preparing for the re-enactment of the Great Fire of London. 

In maths, the children have been learning to say the number which is one more and one less with numbers up to 20.  They have also been answering trickier questions such as," One more than my number is 11"," what is my number?

In English, we have created our own version of 'Pirates Love Underpants'. They planned their story using a story board and then used some amazing adjectives to bring their story to life!

In topic, we made bread as the Great Fire started in a bakery in Pudding Lane.  We went outside and watched how quickly the fire spread. Mr Lack and all the Year 1 team kept us safe! I am sure it will be an experience that they will always remember! 

Miss MacKellar 


Friday 10th January 2025 

Hello, Happy New Year and a warm welcome back! We hope you have all enjoyed the school holidays. The children have returned refreshed, ready to learn and excited to see their friends. 

In English, we have started a new book called 'Pirates love Underpants' and we have used our adjectives to create a 'Wanted Poster' for a pirate in our story. I was really impressed with how they described the pirates. 

In maths, we finished our week on understanding numbers 11-20. We used tens frames to show different amounts, using the numbers 11-20. 

In science, we have continued our observation of the different seasons. The children chose a tree in Autumn, we then drew this tree again in Winter and talked about the changes that we had noticed.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss MacKellar 



Friday 20th December 2024

The children have enjoyed a fun-filled and action-packed last week of term. 

Firstly, huge congratulations on such a spectacular play. You all learnt so many songs and lines. We are really proud of you all!

We enjoyed our trip to the Pantomime and then shared our favourite parts when we got back to school. A special shout out to our Year 1 member who was invited on the stage!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We will see you all in January. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

The Year 1 Team 

Friday 13th December 2024

We are in our penultimate week of school. The children have been really busy learning their lines and songs for our Pantomime next week. We hope you can all join us. 

In English, we have been writing a letter to Santa which Sparkles will deliver to Santa. We have written his address, a list of toys that we hope he can bring and even asked Santa a question! 

In Maths, we have started looking at the numbers 11-20 and understanding how they are composed. e.g. 15 has one ten and five ones. 

In Science, we have continued to explore materials and the children tested the strength of different materials to decide which one would be best to build a bridge. I was impressed with how they recorded their results and worked as a team. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, 

Miss MacKellar 

Friday 6th December 2024

We are in December and the children are really excited. 

Our elf 'Sparkles' has been up to lots of mischief, and I am sure you have heard many tales.

In English, we have looked at writing our own fairy tale based on 'The Three Little Pigs'. The children had some wonderful ideas and their writing is really beginning to take off. 

In maths, we have reviewed our learning by comparing and ordering numbers to 20. The children are showing a deepening understanding of numbers and are able to recognise common formations. 

On Tuesday, we celebrated 'Christingle' and learnt about the representations of the different items. I was really impressed with how engaged the children were and how much they remembered from the service. The children really enjoyed the part where Jesus' light sparkled. 

We hope you have a wonderful weekend. 

Miss MacKellar 

Friday 29th November 2024

Another week has flown by!

In English, the children have used their senses to describe the Savannah where 'Giraffe' lives in our story. 

In maths, we have finished our unit on 'Shape' and will be using next week to review more/fewer, shape sorting and fact families to ten. 

The children have also been practising for the 'Nativity' and we look forward to welcoming you to share this special time with the children. 

Have a great weekend!

Miss MacKellar.

Friday 22nd November 2024

It has been a rather chilly week and the children have enjoyed exploring the snow. 

In English, we have been reading 'Yours Sincerely Giraffe' and we have wondered who Giraffe has written to? We composed our own letters from Giraffe and the children had some fantastic questions to ask our mystery animal. 

In maths, we have started 2D shapes. The children enjoyed using lolly sticks to create their own shape mats and they have designed their own shape pictures. We will move onto 3D shape next week. 

In D and T, we have started to create our animal enclosures based on their designs. Thank you so much for sending all the recycling. The children had a lot of fun!

Stay warm and have a great weekend!

Miss MacKellar 


Friday 15th November 2024

What an exciting week we have had in Year 1. 

In English, we have been looking at questions and how to write a question mark. We practised asking each other questions and had a go at writing a few. 

In maths, we have almost finished 'Addition and Subtraction to ten'. We have learnt to take away by crossing out, and we even saw a different way of writing a number sentence such as 7= 5+2. We are looking forward to starting 'Shape' next week. 

In Science, we used our detective skills to ascertain whether an animal is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore based on bones and leaves hidden in playdough. The children then made the animal that they think they had, and I was really impressed with their creativity.

Next week is chilly, so please remember to wrap up warm! 

Have a great weekend. 

Miss MacKellar 







Friday 8th November 2024. 

What a fantastic first week back. The children have settled down really well, and I have been really impressed with their learning!

In English, we have learnt all about Fire Safety, and we have created our own leaflet to inform people about how to stay safe in a fire. 

In maths, we have finished addition to ten, and we are now learning how to subtract numbers to ten. We understand that addition is commutative and subtraction is not! That is a really big word for Year 1!

In DT, we have explored different animal enclosures at the zoo. Over the next few weeks, we will be designing and making our own enclosure for an animal. 

I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Miss MacKellar. 


Thursday 24th October 2024 

What a wonderful last week of term. The children have worked so hard and now we are all ready for some much deserved rest ahead of next half-term. 

In English, we have reviewed when to use capital letters and full stops. We have also learnt that we need capital letters for names, places, celebrations, days of the week and the months of the year. The children enjoyed pretending to be teachers as they needed to correct my sentences. 

In maths, we have been working on our number bonds to ten. 

In Skills for Life we discussed how the Internet is used and how to make sure we are not on it all the time. It was wonderful to hear all the different activities that the children partake in. 

Reminder - Children may bring in a book to share at the end of the day. Please could you ensure the book is clearly labelled. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and I look forward to seeing you in November. 

Have a great break!

Miss MacKellar 

Friday 18th October 2024

It has been a fantastic week of learning in Year 1. 

In Maths, we have been learning to create addition sentences. The children have used counters, drawings and their own ideas to illustrate their ideas. E.g. Pat has six sweets and Molly has two sweets. How many sweets do they have altogether? 

In English, we read 'Pumpkin Soup' and we have written instructions to create our own. The children were really creative and ideas included fairy dust, glitter, unicorn slime, spiders and sequins. They really enjoyed using 'bossy' verbs to give the reader clear instructions. 

In art, we finished our work on 'Wassily Kandinsky' by creating a shape picture. 

We hope you have a fantastic weekend. 

Miss MacKellar

Friday 11th October 2024

We have had a wonderful week! 

In English, we have adapted the story of 'We are Going on a Bear Hunt' and changed the animal and the weather. The children were really creative, and my favourites included looking for a giraffe, a koala and a strawberry hunt! We looked at how adjectives give us more information and the children incorporated these into their work. 

In maths, we are beginning to look at early addition using a part-whole model which you can see on See Saw. We used the words 'first', 'then' and 'now' to tell our addition stories e.g. first there were three giraffes, then two more giraffes joined, and now we have five giraffes. 

We have used our sorting skills in science to put the animals into groups. We learnt some really big year 1 words (amphibians, reptiles and mammals). The children sorted the animals really well. 

Have a great weekend, Superstars!

Miss MacKellar 

Friday 4th October 2024

We have had a fantastic week!

The children have finished the unit on place value, and we will move on to addition by exploring a part-whole model. We made our own number line and used Fred the frog to help us jump between the numbers. 

In English, we have put our phonics skills to the test, and we have rewritten the chorus of 'We are going on a Bear Hunt'. I was really impressed to see the children using their sound mats and reviewing their work. It was also wonderful to see the children use BSL to support their understanding and memorisation of the story. 

In Science, we learnt three new Year 1 words (herbivore, omnivore and carnivore) and sorted pets into the correct category. 

I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Miss MacKellar 


Friday 27th September 2024

We haven't let the abysmal weather get us down in Year 1!!! We have enjoyed wearing our wellington boots to school.

In English, we have finished 'Toby and the Great Fire of London'. We created a diary entry as Toby and used our feelings mat to help us explore how Toby might have felt when he saw the red sky and enormous fire!

In maths, the children have explored number sentences using greater than and less than. We put our arms out like a crocodile, and we used this to help us write the correct sign. A key trick is to remember the crocodile is really hungry and always eats the largest number. 

We are also learning how to read some basic music notation, and we met the notes C, D, and E. The children explored making different rhythms on the glockenspiels and showed great respect to the instruments as well as taking turns. I was really impressed with their improvisations. 

Finally, please can I put a big call-out for Reading Records. There are house points available for each night read. 

I will leave with a quote:

"You can find magic wherever you look.  Sit back and relax. All you need is a book" - Dr Seuss. 

Have a great weekend. 

Miss MacKellar 


Friday 20th September 2024 

It has been another fantastic week in Year 1. 

In English, we have created our own story map and can retell the story. We have learnt to add some sentences to our story map and make sure that our sentence starts with a capital letter and finishes with a full stop. 

In maths, we have learnt one more and one less. We enjoyed singing different counting songs to practise these concepts. 

In science, the children explored our 5 senses. We also explored how it feels when we don't have our sense of sight. The children enjoyed guessing the objects in the touchy-feely bag by drawing a house blindfolded and trying to pin the tail on the donkey. 

Finally, we said goodnight to our tortoise who is going to hibernate. 

Have a great weekend!

Miss MacKellar 


Friday 13th September 2024

It has been a busy week in Year 1. 

We have started our story 'Toby and the Great Fire of London' and have written some super sentences. We have worked hard to remember our finger spaces and use capital letters and full stops.

In maths, we have revised our counting to 10 forwards and backwards and starting from different numbers. We listened to 'The Gingerbread Man' and used our tens frame to show one more. 

In science, we are looking at the understanding of time passing and how we have changed from a baby. If you have any photos you would like to share, please put them in your child's Reading Record. 

I have been really impressed with how quickly the children are settling into their new routines and have been trying really hard with presentation in their new Year 1 books. 

We will send spellings home soon and homework from now on will be posted on SeeSaw. 

We hope you have a restful weekend. 

See you all on Monday. 

The Year 1 Team


Friday 6th September 2024

Welcome to Year 1.

There will be lots of fun and learning, and I am excited to work with the children.  I have been really impressed by their name writing and phonics!!

The children are eager to learn, and I have enjoyed hearing about all of their adventures over the summer along with new siblings, puppies and kittens. It is such an exciting time!

Please note our P. E days are Mondays and Wednesdays. (Please label all clothes as some get mixed up during changing)

Year 1 you are superstars!






















