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Friends of SMCS

The Friends of SMCS help raise vital funds for the school. We are a dedicated team of parents, carers, family members, local people that endeavour to provide exciting activities whilst raising money to support and enrich the education of our children.  

The Friends organise the Summer and Christmas Fayres held at the school, as well as termly discos and other fun activities throughout the year.

We are always looking for volunteers to help, both at events and with other important jobs that will benefit the children’s school life. Many hands make light work!  Why join the Friends?

It’s good for your children

• You are your children‘s most important role model. Showing you value their education will teach them to value it as well.

• Research has shown that children whose parents are involved in their school get better results and have fewer disciplinary problems.

It’s good for you

• At PTA meetings you can have your say. You can raise concerns, suggest ideas and input into how funds are spent.

• You will meet like-minded people and make new friends. It’s not all hard work, there is a social side too!

• Whether you want to organise an event or simply help you on the day, you can utilise your existing skills & hobbies, and most likely acquire new ones too!

It’s good for the school

• Schools are becoming more and more dependent on additional fundraising revenue to supplement the school budget.

• You will play an important role in helping the school acquire key resources as well as reward the children with some well-earned treats

Please feel free to follow us on Facebook for up to date event information:   

We are also on Twitter FriendsofSMCS

We have a website which we welcome you to join if you are a current parent or carers:

This website is a new addition and will help us take online payments for our events and allow us to keep you informed directly of any news we would like to share. It will be a one-stop shop for everything related to the Friends.

If you would like to contact us directly, please feel free to email us on

We have also explored a number of initiatives that have made fundraising for the school easier:

Stamptastic - Purchase name stamps through Stamptastic (Put in this code at checkout to earn us commission: HP225XA

Stikins - Purchase name stickers through Stikins (Put in this code at checkout to earn us commission: 22409

Easy Fundraising – different percentages of cashback are awarded to us, it is worth downloading the app to see which companies are getting involved. There are a few big names! For more information go to

Buckinghamshire Lottery – This is a monthly lottery run locally which supports causes as well as the school

To get in touch with The Friends of SMCS please email

Chair Vanessa Swain and Sally Floyd
Secretary Alex Griffiths
Treasurer Amy Bailey
Vice Treasurer Chris Telfer