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What are we Learning?

Each week we will share what we have been learning in our class. Remember to look at our photo gallery to see what we've been up to.

Friday 7th March 2025

What a busy week we have had! We have continued to use Whatever Next as our Literacy text and have enjoyed adding our own ideas to adapt the story. In maths, we have been finding different ways to make numbers. On Tuesday, we made pancakes and ate them! They were delicious! We have continued our space topic by taking a closer look at the moon and thinking about what a journey into space might be like. On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day through the book Jonty Gentoo by Julia Donaldson.



Friday 28th February 2025

We have enjoyed finding out about space this week! We have learnt different Space facts and about the astronaut Tim Peake. We have learnt about the artist Peter Thorpe and created rocket pictures in his style. In Literacy we are reading Whatever Next by Jill Murphy, we have had fun role playing and retelling the story. In maths we have been ordering numbers to 10 and beyond. Well done Reception!


Friday 14th February 2025

In Literacy this week we have been exploring rhyme through the book Oi Frog! We have been good at creating rhyming strings and writing rhyming sentences using our phonics. In maths, we have been adding one more. We enjoyed playing a game as a group. We finished our topic by finding out about emergency situations and other people who may help us, such as the Coastguard, Life Guard and Mountain Rescue! 

Friday 7th February 2025

We have enjoyed learning about our mental well-being this week for Children's Mental Health week. We have explored our feelings and emotions through the film Inside Out and other stories. We have made our own Personality Islands in our creative area using different resources, including play dough. In maths, we have been looking at time and thinking about the order of our activities throughout the day. On Friday we celebrated Number Day with a range of maths activities. We also enjoyed a visit from the Neo-natal nurses linked to our topic, learning about their important job looking after tiny babies. We were able to learn about lots of different equipment they use.


Friday 31st January 2025

This week we have enjoyed finding out about how Chinese New Year is celebrated. We made Chinese lanterns and looked at Chinese numbers. In maths, we have been learning about tally charts. We have collected data about our favourite colours and presented this in a tally. In Literacy, we have read Zog and the Flying Doctors. We have continued to practise writing sentences using our new tricky words and applying our phonics.


Friday 24th January 2025

This week we have continued our topic about people who help us by finding out about firefighters and dentists. We have learnt how to keep our teeth healthy and have been on a safety walk around the school looking at things which keep us safe when we are in school. In maths, we have been using Hungarian Number frames to investigate how numbers can be made. We have produced some excellent writing in Literacy based on the book Flip Flap Safari by Axel Scheffler.





Friday 17th January 2025

This week in maths we have been looking at the different ways numbers can be made. We used the part-whole model to explore this. In Literacy, we have been writing sentences using our tricky words and phonic sounds. We challenged ourselves to make the sentences longer using 'and'. On Thursday we had an amazing visit from the Neighbourhood Police team as part of our topic. We found out all about their work, tried on their police uniform and looked at all the different equipment they used. We explored the police car and all had a turn at switching on the lights and siren. We had a lot of fun!



Friday 10th January 2025

Happy New Year! This week we have started looking at our new topic 'People who help us'. We have enjoyed exploring our new vet role play area and are making a list of the different things we want to add to it. We have read a variety of texts about vets, one of our favourites was Mog and the V E T. We have been using our phonics to write sentences about different animals and have looked closely at the patterns seen on animal skin and fur. In maths we have been looking at number tracks and ordering numbers. We have been good at identifying missing numbers!

Friday 20th December 2024

What  wonderful Christmas week we have had! We have enjoyed performing our Nativity to an audience. We had an amazing trip to the theatre to watch the panto which we all thoroughly enjoyed. We have also continued practising our segmenting and blending in phonics, and counting in maths.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday 13th December 2024

This week in Maths we have been practising our counting. We counted the baubles on the Christmas tree and Santa's presents carefully to find how many we had altogether. In Literacy, we have been practising our blending and segmenting using our phonics to spell and read words. We have also shared some Christmas poems. We have continued with our junk modelling and have begun making our Christmas cards. We have also continued to practise our Christmas Nativity play. We are looking forward to performing it for you!

Friday 6th December 2024

We have been thinking about Winter and have enjoyed the story Jack Frost. We have thought about what type of character he is and made a collection of cold winter words. In Maths, we have been subtracting using concrete objects to help us. We are developing our construction skills and have learnt some new joining techniques when junk modelling. Thank you for all the donations of boxes etc, they have been put to good use! We are also enjoying practising our Christmas Nativity play with Year 1 and 2.

Friday 29th November 2024

This week we have loved investigating number in maths! We have look at addition number sentences and found different ways to solve them. We have also enjoyed using the numicon! We are great mathematicians! In Literacy, we have continued looking at 'The Tiger who came to tea'.  We have used our imaginations to change the story and invent new characters! It has been fun playing with the text. We have found out about the Christmas story and how it is important to Christians, we have discussed how we celebrate Christmas and other events. We are looking forward to another busy week next week!

Friday 22nd November 2024

It has been another busy week in Reception! We have loved reading 'The Tiger who came to Tea' in Literacy and creating our own story map to retell the story. We have been listening carefully to our phonic sounds to help us with our writing. In maths, we have investigated capacity, weight and length. We have learnt lots of words related to size. We have also begun to think about Christmas and learn our songs for the Nativity!

Friday 15th November 2024

We have had a busy week in Reception! We have been thinking about kindness and how to look after each other in relation to anti-bullying week. We have enjoyed sharing how we celebrate our birthdays and reading Kipper's Birthday together. We have used our phonics to write an invitation to a friend. In maths, we have been counting carefully, looking at different amounts and recognising numerals.

Friday 8th November 2024

We have really enjoyed our adventures in Reception this week! We loved learning about Bonfire Night and Diwali. We have created some beautiful Rangoli patterns using different media and printed some firework pictures with paint and glitter. We have explored language linked to fireworks and had fun using our phonic knowledge to write the sounds and colours.  We made some delicious Diwali sweets; Lemon Ladoos. We have been looking at quantities and developing our use of mathematical language. It has been a great week!

Friday 25th October 2024

In maths, we have been investigating repeating patterns and have created our own using different resources. We have been reading Funnybones and writing our own recipes for potions using our phonics. We have also learnt about our skeleton and how to keep our bones healthy. We created cotton bud skeletons for our display.

Friday 18th October 2024

We have enjoyed learning about rhyme this week and reading 'Stickman' by Julia Donaldson. We have found matching pairs of words that rhyme by listening carefully. The improved weather has enabled us to spend more time in the Mud Kitchen, and we LOVE it! We found lots of different bugs and also enjoyed stirring, mixing and digging.

We have created lots of Autumn art this week using different skills; finger painting, paining with cotton buds and collage.

Friday 11th October

This week the children have enjoyed exploring the text Oliver's Vegetables. They have retold the story, written shopping lists and recipes and had fun planting and harvesting vegetables in the garden.

We enjoyed performing in our Harvest Assembly and have been learning more about Harvest and Autumn. We went on an Autumn walk, created leaf prints and rubbings and finger painted an Autumn tree. 

We have been exploring numbers using numicon and other resources in the classroom and have also been keen to practise writing our letters.

Friday 4th October 2024

The children have enjoyed another busy week in reception! Despite the rain, we have managed to get outside as much as possible and have enjoyed a turnip number hunt, ordering numbers to 10 and beyond. We were even able to put numbers in order when some were missing! Well done everyone! We have also started to look at subitising in maths.

We have continued to enjoy The Enormous Turnip and have had fun adding our own characters and enormous vegetables and fruit to the story. We are looking forward to Harvest Assembly next week and performing in front of the whole school. We have started to collect items for our Autumn Tuff Spot. Please bring in any leaves, conkers, twigs etc that we can add next week.

Friday 27th September 2024

It has been a busy week in Reception!

We are continuing to practise our Harvest Song and have added the BSL signs to it. I have been really impressed how quickly children have learnt these. Do ask them to show you at home. We have been looking at numbers in maths and been counting different objects around the classroom. In Literacy, we have been reading The Enormous Turnip and retelling the story using actions and BSL and a story map. The children enjoyed role-playing the story and various activities linked to our learning, including looking at a variety of root vegetables and using play dough to make items from the story. We also had our first visit to the school library!

Friday 20th September 2024

The children have enjoyed another wonderful week! This week we have been continuing to get to know one another and the wider school. Mr Lack bought his tortoise, Tommy, to meet us! We have investigated shapes in Maths and have also been working to develop our fine motor skills through pencil control and cutting. We have been busy learning the words and signs for our song for Harvest Assembly; Big Red Combine Harvester, 

We are looking forward to another busy and exciting week next week!

Friday 13th September 2024

The children have had an amazing first week in Reception! We have been learning the classroom routines and getting to know each other through games and whole class discussions. We have enjoyed painting self-portraits ready for a classroom display, exploring the wider school, writing our names and looking at numbers to 10.

We are looking forward to more exciting learning next week!

Well done Reception!