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What are we Learning?

Friday 7th March 2025

This week, we have enjoyed various activities on World Book Day, including a live quiz online, reading with year 3 and creating our own mini-books. The costumes all looked fantastic!

In maths, we have been calculating with percentages which is something we have also been doing in our fluency sessions all year so we are now experts! We can find 10% of an amount which then helps us to calculate 20%, 5% and 1%.

In English, we have been writing interviews with some of the characters from 'Holes'. We have set the text out correctly and considered the language the characters might use. 






Friday 28th February 2025

In our maths lessons this week, we have been linking decimals and fractions. We have found equivalent fractions and decimals using our knowledge of tenths and hundredths. We have also used long division to find the decimals by dividing the numerator of a fraction by the denominator. Using this method, we found that some fractions have recurring decimals.

In English, we have been trying hard to copy the style of the author, Louis Sachar. We have used short sentences and repetition to write the 'missing chapter' of 'Holes' when Zero runs off into the desert.

In our PE lessons this week, we have started units on hockey and orienteering. On Thursday, we completed a scavenger hunt in teams, answering questions all about sport. Luckily, the weather was kind to us!




Friday 14th February 2025

This week, we have calculated with decimals in maths, dividing and multiplying by integers and by 10, 100 and 1000. We have also solved problems and completed puzzles using these skills.

In English, we have written sentences using the passive voice. We then used this skill to help us write a newspaper article about 'Kissin' Kate Barlow' from Holes. We have also used alliteration for our headlines and included quotes from eyewitnesses.

During our topic lesson, we looked at the Eden project briefly and then tried to recreate the rainforest biome, using card, paper and straws. We had mixed results although the children all worked well in their chosen pairs.


Friday 7th February 2025

This week, we have had lots of exciting events taking place. Well done to all those who competed in the Futsal tournament on Monday and to those who were in the swimming competition on Wednesday. Also, congratulations to all the children who performed at the O2 as part of the Young Voices Choir on Tuesday.

In our maths lessons this week, we have been calculating with decimals. We have considered the place value for numbers up to 3 decimal places and we have also rounded numbers to varying degrees of accuracy.

During our English lessons, we have written leaflets about Camp Green Lake, using words carefully to hide the true nature of the camp!

This week has also been Children's Mental Health Week. We have considered both mental and physical health and how these are connected. We have had time to reflect on strategies that help us as individuals. In our PE lesson, we enjoyed some yoga!





Friday 31st January 2025

This week, we have been continuing with our learning of algebra. As demonstrated during the maths open morning, we are able to solve problems involving algebra, sometimes involving more than one unknown value.

In English, we have been exploring the use of persuasive language. We have written adverts for the Warden's nail polish (from Holes) which contains a deadly venom. As part of this work, we have found a number of synonyms to describe the colour red.

During our computing lessons, we have been designing our own web pages (not to be published). We have discussed copyright, particularly in relation to pictures. Many of us found it helpful to use our iPads alongside the laptops.  



Friday 24th January 2025

This week, in English, we have written about an encounter with the deadly yellow-spotted lizard from our class novel. We have thought carefully about the language to use, including short sentences for impact.

In maths, we have started a topic on algebra. We have used letters and symbols instead of numbers. We have started writing simple algebraic formulae and have substituted numbers.

In Science, we have created models using plasticine after discussions about how animals have evolved and adapted over time. We read from a picture book called 'The Mollybird' which is about how creatures may have evolved.



Friday 17th January 2025

This week, we have been continuing our work on ratio and proportion. We have been completing calculations using recipes, changing the amounts of the ingredients so that we can make different quantities. 

In English, we have written diary entries based on the characters in our novel Holes. We have also started to write non-chronological reports about the deadly yellow- spotted lizard. We have discussed the features of this type of text and included these in our own writing.

On Tuesday, we were fortunate to have a player from Wycombe Wanderers come to school to teach us darts. We enjoyed using our maths skills to calculate our scores.




Friday 10th January 2025

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a good festive break.

This week, we have started to read our new novel, Holes, in English which is about a boy called Stanley Yelnats who is sent to a juvenile camp called Camp Green Lake. We met the main characters and matched the boys' names with their nicknames. We have also written rules using a formal tone.

In our maths lessons, we have been completing questions and problems using ratio. We recognise that there are similarities to fractions and also that, once again, our times tables knowledge is very useful.

During our BSL lesson this week, we had conversations in pairs, using the sign for 'favourite'. We revised some of the signs we learnt last half-term to do with food, the weather and animals.


Friday 20th December 2024

Merry Christmas!

This week, we have been finishing our topic on World War2 and we have written winter descriptions based on a short film where an adventurer goes to the North Pole.

We have solved lots of Christmas maths puzzles this week.

We thoroughly enjoyed watching the pantomime on Thursday and joined in enthusiastically when required!

Wishing you all a great Christmas break and a very Happy New Year

Friday 13th December 2024

This week, we have been calculating metric and imperial measures in maths. We have used conversion charts and solved multi-step problems.

In English, we have read extracts from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. We have explored the characters of Scrooge and his nephew. We have discussed how Scrooge changed throughout the story.

During our computing lessons this term, we enjoyed using Tinkercad to create 3D models, including name badges and desk tidies. Last week, on Friday, we investigated paper helicopters.



Friday 6th December 2024

At the start of this week, we enjoyed going to the church in Stoke Mandeville to make the Christingles for the church services on Tuesday.  On Tuesday, we attended the service and some of us read from the Bible so the rest of the school could listen. A few of us also performed in the signing choir.

During English, we watched a short film clip about the World War 1 Christmas Truce. We have written descriptive pieces based on this historic event.

In our maths lessons, we have continued to solve problems involving fractions.

We also welcomed our class Elf on the shelf. He has been named Timmy and so far he has been quite well behaved.

Friday 29th November 2024

This week, we have carried out more calculations involving fractions, including finding fractions of amounts. We have also solved word problems which involve fractions.

In English, we have completed tests in reading and grammar. We have also written accounts based on the picture book, 'Rose Blanche' which is about a girl who lives in Europe during World War 2.

In science, we have carried out experiments using different lights and batteries. We used coloured cellophane to change the colour of the lights and used switches to turn them on and off independently, like traffic lights.

Friday 22nd November 2024

During maths this week, we have been multiplying fractions by integers and also by other fractions. We have looked at different methods, including using improper fractions.  We have realised that when multiplying fractions, we can just multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together. Once again, our times tables knowledge is very helpful.

In English, we have written descriptions of air raids and tried to use a range of sentence types and sentence starters. We have considered the effect of speech between characters, only using it to show something about the characters or to move the action forwards.

In DT this week, we all practised sewing on buttons in preparation for our projects. Mrs Lund and Miss Telfer are now experts in this skill as they helped all the children. We also started thinking about the rules for different board games we are designing.

Friday 15th November 2024

This week we have enjoyed running the Pudsey Fair for Children in Need for all the younger children. We worked well in our groups and took responsibility for all our equipment.

In Maths, we have continued with fractions. This week, we completed the addition and subtraction of mixed numbers, converting them to improper fractions first when we needed to.

During our Skills for Life lessons, we discussed hurtful behaviour and what we can do about it if we witness it or experience it. We have also talked about cyberbullying. We know to tell a trusted adult if anything is upsetting us.

Friday 8th November 2024

In Year 6 this week, we have been writing poems on the theme of Remembrance. We have read the poem 'In Flanders Fields' and discussed the imagery and emotions. When writing our own poems, we have used some of the ideas in existing poems.

During maths, we have found equivalent fractions by comparing denominators and numerators. We have also started to add fractions together once the denominator is the same.

In Science, we revised how to make an electrical circuit, using light bulbs and batteries. Some of us also tried using motors.

Friday 25th October 2024

This week, we have been looking at some of the speeches made by Chamberlain and Churchill during World War 2. We listened to the original speeches while looking at the text and identified which words were emphasised. We have also discussed levels of formality.

In maths, we have continued with division and we are becoming more confident with the methods. 

During our Art lesson, we created images of poppies, as we start to think about Remembrance Day, We used paint to mix different colours and shades.

Finally, we would all like to wish everyone a restful half-term break.

Friday 18th October 2024

In our English lessons this week, we have been discussing interviews and the  types of questions to ask. We have interviewed each other in role as Mr Tom from our novel. We have discussed how to write an interview and some of us have tried hard to use the language Mr Tom would have used.

During our maths lessons, we have completed some practise SATs papers to help us get ready for the tests in May. We have also continued to explore the 4 operations.

On Wednesday, year 6 were really lucky to be able to meet with a visiting wheelchair athlete, Ella Archer. She talked to us about her disability and all the things she has achieved. She also let us all have a go in one of her wheelchairs. We enjoyed this and were all very good at going quite fast and turning!

Friday 11th October 2024

This week, we enjoyed listening to the author, Matt Brown, talk about his new book and how he generates ideas for his stories. We created our own characters and creatures, naming them using our pets' names and the name of the road we live in.  Some of the names included Minnie Fuggle and Poppy Foskett!

During maths, we have started long division which is always a challenge. We will be practising this lots over the next week and our times tables will come in very useful. 

In Science, we have looked at how different materials reflect light. We have used the torches to carry out simple investigations.

Friday 4th October 2024

During our English lessons this week, we revised the features of a diary entry. We have written 2 diary entries from Mr Tom, showing how his feelings changed as he got to know Willie. We have included feelings and some of us have tried hard to write using the language Mr Tom would have used.

In our maths lessons, we have been solving multiplication problems. We have also partitioned larger numbers, using factors, to help us.

As part of our topic work, we have started to research the Battle of Britain. We have thought about what it would have been like for people living in the cities and how they prepared by building Anderson shelters.

Friday 27th September 2024

This week, we have been using factors and multiples to complete calculations in maths. We have also explored divisibility tests.

In English, we have used expanded noun phrases to describe the characters in the book we are reading. We have also started to use a wider range of punctuation.

During Art this week, we created drawings based on fruit, in preparation for our Harvest Assembly later this term.

 Friday 20th September 2024

In maths this week we have been continuing to calculate with place value.  We have rounded numbers and started to explore negative numbers in different contexts.

In English, we have written letters from Willie's cruel mother. We have also written descriptions of a room which could belong to Mr Tom, although some of us thought it was Winston Churchill's.

During Science this week, we experimented with torches to see how light travels. We created shadows and started planning our own experiment.


Friday 13th September

This week, year 6 children have done very well to complete the 11+selection tests. 

In maths, we have continued to explore place value. We have partitioned numbers and used our mental arithmetic skills to add and subtract up to 1, 000, 000. We have also used formal pencil and paper methods.

In English, we have started reading our class novel Goodnight Mr Tom. We explored the setting and discussed some of the historical features, such as putting blackouts on the windows and the need to carry a gas mask. We have started writing letters from Willie, an evacuee, to his mother in London.

We are enjoying learning facts about World War 2 in History and in PE, we have been developing flexibility and stamina (see the photos!).


Friday 6th September

Welcome back to school and welcome to Year 6!

We hope you had a lovely summer break, and we are looking forward to lots of exciting learning this year.

From the whole of the year, 6 team.