What are we learning?
Friday 7th March 2025
In English, we have been looking at persuasive text. We have identified the features of this using leaflets and posters.
In Maths, we have continued our work on decimals. We have identified tenths as decimals and hundredths as decimals.
In Music, we have continued practising our songs in preparation for the Musical Extravaganza.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 28th February 2025
In English, we have looked at the features of a balanced argument and written our own balanced argument based on ‘The Butterfly Lion.’
In Maths, we have started our new unit on decimals.
In Skills for Life, our topic is around ‘Staying Healthy.’ This week, we have focused on sun safety.
Friday 14th February 2025
In English, we have continued our work on Playscripts. We have turned poems into playscripts and added our own twist to them by adjusting and adding in extra lines.
In Maths, we have come to the end of our unit on Fractions. We have added fractions and mixed numbers, as well as added and subtracted fractions.
In art, we have printed designs onto cotton sheets using polystyrene tiles and printing ink.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 7th February 2025
In English, we have been looking at the features of playscripts. We have identified the differences between prose (story text) and playscripts. We have also performed a part of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ in small groups.
In Maths, we have continued our work on fractions. We have found equivalent fractions on a number line as well as added two or more fractions.
As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, our focus this week for Skills for Life has been ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.’ We have been identifying attributes that shape our personalities. Throughout the week, we made our own mood cards, personality islands and played games to promote our mental health.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 31st January 2025
In English, we have been looking at a picture book, ‘Flood.’ We have been ‘reading’ the pictures to understand what is happening in each picture. We have also written a set of instructions in order to flood-proof our home.
In Maths, we have continued our work with fractions. We have converted improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa.
In Art, we have created our own compositions. We have also used wax crayons to create our own scratch art.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 24th January 2025
In English, we have written a missing chapter based on ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter. Some of us have written about the backstory of how Razvani became the Fire-Fiend.
In Maths, we have started our unit on Fractions. We have identified the whole and counted beyond one on a number line.
In Computing, we have been using Data Loggers to log data such as temperature, light, and sound over time. We have connected our Data Loggers via Bluetooth to the iPads and reviewed this data on a line graph.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 17th January 2025
In English, we have continued reading ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter.’ We have been looking at the description of ‘The Ceremony of the Full moon’ particularly and have written our own descriptions using fronted adverbials and conjunctions.
In Maths, we have been finding the missing length of rectilinear shapes and then moved onto finding the perimeter. We have also focused on finding the perimeter of polygons.
In Art, we have been focusing on proportion.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 10th January 2025
Welcome back and Happy New Year!
In English, we have started our new book ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter.’ So far, Lila, the firework Maker’s Daughter, has run away to Mount Merapi to prove to her father that she is worthy of being a firework maker. The children made some brilliant predictions about what may happen to Lila along the way.
In Maths, we have been looking at perimeter and finding the perimeter of rectilinear shapes.
In Art, we have started observational drawing, using sketch pencils to show light and dark tones.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 20th December 2024
In Maths, we have come to the end of our unit on Multiplication and Division.
In English, we have created artwork to accompany our reverse poems about the Snow Prince and Kai.
In Science, we have looked at the process of the water cycle and created our own turn diagrams for this.
We hope everyone has a wonderful break and a Happy New Year from the Year 4 team.
Friday 13th December 2024
In Maths, we have been multiplying and dividing 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number.
In English, we have read the story of ‘The Woodcutter and the Snow Prince.’ We have then looked at reverse poems and written our own ones based on the story.
In Science, we have looked at what condensation is and the process of it.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 6th December 2024
In Maths, we have been looking at related facts and how we can use these to multiply larger numbers.
In English, we have been using figurative language to describe the Snow Prince from ‘The Woodcutter and the Snow Prince.’
In DT, we made our own Greek dips in groups.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 29th November 2024
In Maths, we have been multiplying numbers by 10 and 100.
In English, we have planned our own retelling of the Greek myth ‘Perseus.’
In BSL, we learnt the signs for different foods. We then made our own plate of food, consisting of our favourite ones.
Friday 22nd November 2024
In Maths, we have started work on finding factors of products.
In English, we have continued reading different myths and used varied conjunctions to extend our sentences.
In Science, we have continued our topic of ‘States of Matter.’ We have looked at gases and determined whether gas has a mass. We investigated this by taking the gas out of carbonated drinks and observing whether there was a difference in mass.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 15th November 2024
In Maths, we have looked at area through counting squares.
In English, we have continued our work on Greek myths. We have looked at different versions of the same Greek myth and used direct speech to create a dialogue between two characters.
In DT, we tasted traditional Greek food and rated how it tasted.
As part of Anti-bullying week, we took part in a range of activities in our Skills for Life lessons. We looked deeper into what bullying is, the different forms of it, and how the impact of bullying can stay with a person throughout their lifetime.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 8th November 2024
In Maths, we have continued our work on multiplication.
In English, we have been looking at Greek myths. We have focused on ‘Pandora’s Box’, ‘Arachne the Spinner’ and ‘King Midas.’ We have revised how to use direct speech and have answered questions in character.
In DT, we have looked at healthy eating and revised the Eatwell Plate.
Friday 25th October 2024
In Maths, we have continued our work on multiplication. We have focused on the 7- and 9- times tables.
In English, we have been linking the poem ‘The Listeners’ to other stories we have read or movies we have watched.
As part of Art and Music day, we have written a description of ‘The Firebird.’ We have also created individual feathers using tissue paper in preparation for a display.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 18th October 2024
In Maths, we have started working on multiplication. We have focused on the 3-, 6- and 9- times tables.
In English, we have been looking at poetry. We have written our own spooky poems and performed this in small groups.
In Art, we have used watercolour pencils to design different Greek pots.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 11th October 2024
In Maths, we have been working on subtracting two four-digit numbers with no exchange, with one exchange and then with more than one exchange. The children have shown great resilience with this!
In English, we have finished writing our non-chronological reports. Everyone has put in fantastic effort into collating all of the information about Heraean Games!
In Art, we have painted our Greek pots.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 4th October 2024
In Maths, we have been adding 2 4-digit numbers with no exchange, with one exchange and then with more than one exchange.
In English, we have finished reading ‘The Corinthian Girl.’ We have looked at the key features of a non-chronological report. Using iPads, we have researched information about the Heraean Games, which we will be using to write our own non-chronological reports.
Friday 27th September 2024
In Maths, we have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.
In English, we have finished writing our newspaper reports and have written up our best copy for display work.
In Skills for Life, we have look at the UNCRC rights of the child. We have discussed what our rights are and things that we take responsibility for.
In Art, we have made our Greek pots using clay.
Friday 20th September 2024
In English, we have started writing a newspaper report about the Corinthian Girl. We have looked at the different features of a newspaper report and have thought of catchy headlines we can use to engage the reader.
In Maths, we have continued our work with place value, looking at the number line to 10,000 and finding the missing values along the number lines.
In Art, we have practised different techniques using clay. We practised making pinch pots and coil pots.
Here are some pictures from the week:
Friday 13th September 2024
In English, we have continued reading ‘The Corinthian Girl.’ We have used co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions to write a description of the marketplace.
In Maths, we have continued our work on place value. We have been looking at partitioning and flexibly partitioning numbers up to 10,000.
We also had our first swimming lesson of the year. Everyone showed great resilience!
In Science, we have started our ‘Sound’ topic.
Friday 6th September 2024
Welcome to Year 4!
We have had a fantastic start to the year and everyone has settled into Year 4 beautifully.
In English, we have started reading ‘The Corinthian Girl’ which is linked to our Ancient Greece topic. We have found out a little bit about who she is and have performed role play in her character.
In Maths, we have been learning to represent numbers to 1000 and also partition numbers to 1000. We also moved a step further to identify numbers on a number line and estimate missing values on a number line. The children have been working really hard to ensure the presentation in their maths book is neat and tidy!
In Art, we have started to design our Greek vases, with a twist of our own modern patterns and designs!