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This page celebrates some of the achievements of the school and it's pupils.


Carol Jenkins from Stoke Mandeville Parish Council (following D-Day Celebrations Event) - June 2024

Thank you for arranging for the Signing Choir to take part on Thursday. What a special bunch of students they are! They were an absolute credit to your school and our community and we loved having them take part. They gave a fantastic performance that was appreciated by all those who came along to watch them.

 I look forward to working with the school on future events.

Year 2 parent helper (following Y2 & Y3 School Trip) - March 2024

I just wanted to feedback to both year groups how well behaved everyone was. I’ve never done anything like that before and was a little apprehensive but I needn’t have been. The children listened well were respectful and made the whole trip really enjoyable. They are a credit to the school.

Well done to both year groups!

Year 2 parent - December 2023

Thank you so much for all your time and efforts you put in to make this place amazing for students and parents. We appreciate every single one of you and hope you have an amazing Christmas break! 

Letter from parent of Year 6 Leaver - July 2023

Dear Mrs Stewart, I just wanted to say a massive thank you for everything you and all the staff have done for [our girls]. For the last ten years, Stoke Mandeville Combined School has been a big part of our lives. The girls thrived there, and really enjoyed their primary school years, which stands them in good stead for the rest of the schooling career. It's not just the day-to-day teaching which they enjoyed but school life as a whole, from nativity plays and Christmas Fayres, to after school lollies, sports clubs, trips away and, in the early years, MAC and ASC as well as so much more. The school consistently provides a positive, friendly and caring environment and the girls loved school because of it. 

[The girls] have been very lucky to be part of such a fantastic school. Thank you for everything. You all do an amazing job.

Message from Volunteer Reader - July 2023

I have tremendously enjoyed listening to Y3 reading over the course of the year - they are lovely, friendly, engaging children - and I certainly hope to be back in the autumn.

Message on 'Thank a Teacher' Day - June 2023

To Every Member of the Stoke Mandeville Combined School Team. You are truly awesome and every day bring smiles to faces and help children learn new things. You are all very much appreciated and this school would not be the same without your hard work. THANK YOU

Email from Parent - February 2023

Thank you SMCS for the advice and support. Our respect and admiration for you all cannot be expressed in words. You all have a tangible effect on the lives of the students in your school, and they will remember you all for many years to come. Thank you for creating a space for our children to be themselves, and for being a positive example in their lives.

Response from Parent Survey - Autumn 2022

The weekly information detailing what the children have been learning is excellent and I read it every week. Our experience of the children learning musical instruments (piano and cornet respectively) has been really positive with excellent teaching.

Superb diversity of subjects taught from baking, DT, PE, signing choir, bikeability additional to the standard core subjects set. Making learning much more fun and interesting for the children. Also the constant promotion of walking to school is good too as highlights to the children the importance to the environment.

Response from Parent Survey - Autumn 2022 (in response to the question 'In your opinion, what are the best things about Stoke Mandeville Combined School?')

The caring nature they provide to the children in their care and the way they are able to engage the children’s in their learning.

Response from Parent Survey - Autumn 2022

The adults are passionate about the children’s learning.

Response from Parent Survey - Autumn 2022

The size of the school allows for a very strong community to have been built where children across different years get to know each other. The teaching staff build close relationships with the children and parents, and we feel they genuinely work in the children's best interests.

Response from Parent Survey - Autumn 2022

The lovely activities the school provide to the children, and effective communication and quick response I receive from staff regarding queries.

Response from Parent Survey - Autumn 2022

1 form entry meaning the children are part of "the community" and not just lost in the numbers. The children seem to mix nicely across the year groups and know the whole school not just their class.

Response from Parent Survey - Autumn 2022

The teachers and all staff are absolutely brilliant. We love that the school is small.

Response from Parent Survey - Autumn 2022

Great teaching and organisation. Inclusion, diversity and solid moral principles.

Response from Parent Survey - Autumn 2022

Overall, I get the sense that my child is happy at school, feels safe and is well supported.

Response from Parent Survey - Autumn 2022

At Stoke Mandeville Combined School you feel part of a large, friendly family, which is important for the children as well as the parents. There is an intimacy about the school which is warming as the teachers’ know most of the children’s names and are interested in their development. From our experience, larger schools lack this welcoming feeling and children often get overlooked which is not so in a village school like Stoke Mandeville Combined.


Message received on 'Thank a Teacher Day' (May 2022)

Thank you for being an amazing team. You really make a difference every day. Thank you.

Message from Year 3 Parent (April 2022)

I would just like to say well done to all those involved in the Yr 3 & 4 performance. It was fantastic and very much enjoyed by the audience and the performers. All your hard work shone through. 


Message from Parent (January 2022)

To the Office Staff, Reception and Year 4 Teachers.
I just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you for your support whilst our family has had covid. The office staff went above and beyond to enable me to get (child) in and out of school safely bringing her to and from the car.

(Children) thankfully were not particularly poorly during their isolation so having access to their education and support from their teachers has been such a relief knowing that they weren’t missing out on so much learning.
Many Thanks


Message from Year 4 Parent (January 2022)

(Child) has had a lovely time throughout all of his years at Stoke Mandeville.  He will really miss all of his friends and teachers.  I want to personally thank everyone at Stoke Mandeville for all their help and support over the years, it's been very much appreciated.

 Message from Year 3 Parent (July 2021)

Dear Mrs Stewart, Please accept our sincere congratulations, both to you and your team of teachers, on the successful completion of this school year! We fully appreciate the effort to make this school a joyous, prosperous and stress-free environment for every child.

Message from parent to Ofsted (January 2021)

"I'd like to take a moment of your time to give a special mention to the amazing staff at Stoke Mandeville Combined School in Buckinghamshire.

As a parent of two children, who are/have attended Stoke Mandeville combined since 2011, I have always been impressed with school. In particular though, throughout the last ten months and furthermore, this term. Especially given that all primary schools only had such short notice to organise live, remote learning/lessons alongside in-school teaching for vulnerable and key worker's children.

I am in awe of the dedication, commitment and sky-high standards that our teaching staff have shown (throughout the whole pandemic). It is so clear to see that they are extremely passionate about continuing to provide our children with outstanding levels of education even with all of the added scrutiny, pressure and risk to their own health & safety. They do not only do this professionally, they do it with a smile and bucketfuls of positivity and care for our children's educational and emotional needs. 

I'm overwhemingly grateful to them all. As a team (led by an outstanding head, Mrs Eileen Stewart), I feel they are second to none."

Message to Year 6 staff team from parent (January 2021)

"Just wanted to let you know that (child) has loved his live lessons the last couple of weeks. He said he liked it more than being in class, and a lot more than mummy or daddy helping him.

Could you please let Mrs Tong, Mrs Cole, and Mrs Bushay that (child's) parents really appreciate all their hard work and think they are doing a wonderful job."

Message from parent (January 2021)

"Dear Mrs Stewart and all the SMCS Staff,

We just wanted to thank you all for all your hard work and ongoing dedication. This week must have felt never ending! With both children at home accessing the remote learning, we wanted to let you know how impressed we’ve been with the live lessons.

(Child) has enjoyed the streamed lessons and has really engaged with the set-up with the teachers interacting between those at home and those in class.

The set-up for Year 1 works well with the children being able to watch the lesson and get involved by answering questions thanks to the brilliant TAs supporting the children at home.

A special mention for Miss Harris- she has been amazing!  Setting up the home learning, responding to work whilst trying to juggle a new class is a tall order. Please let her know we appreciate all her hard work and effort."